Sometimes you or your child may suffer from persistent nasal congestion, making it difficult to breathe. When gathering information for articles on adenoids and vasomotor rhinitis, I came across many interesting facts about the causes of long-lasting nasal congestion.
Enlarged adenoids are one of the most common causes of nasal congestion in children. Additionally, due to inflamed adenoids, a child may frequently experience nighttime and morning coughing.
Frequent respiratory infections and constant exposure to allergens such as dust, mold, and pet dander are common causes of adenoid inflammation.
Deviated nasal septum
The cartilaginous part of the nasal septum can easily become deformed not only after an injury but also due to prolonged nasal congestion. Correcting the septum is possible through surgery, although such operations only provide temporary relief.
Atrophic rhinitis
In atrophic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa becomes thinner, and it develops crusts, ulcers, and cracks that heal poorly. Golden staphylococcus, which resides in the nose even in healthy individuals, can infect the wounds.
Treatment involves nasal irrigation with saline solutions or the use of antibiotic ointments. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics.
Foreign body in the nose
This condition is more common in young children. Typically, nasal congestion occurs only on the side where the foreign object is lodged.
Nasal polyps
Polyps form in the nasal sinuses and are common in individuals with allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Treatment involves the use of sprays containing local glucocorticosteroids, montelukast, or prednisolone. Surgery may also be recommended.
Medication-induced rhinitis
This type of rhinitis develops after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs or as a side effect of certain medications.
Treatment involves discontinuing vasoconstrictor or causative medications, nasal irrigation with saline solutions, and the application of topical and systemic steroids. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.
Hormonal rhinitis
Occurs in individuals with hormonal disorders, such as:
Hypothyroidism Diabetes mellitus During adolescence During pregnancy and breastfeeding
Causes include dysfunction of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pancreas, adrenal glands, and hypothalamus.
Vasomotor rhinitis
Symptomatically similar to other types of rhinitis 🙂
The main distinguishing feature is alternating congestion of one nostril and then the other.
It is often observed in pregnant women, individuals with gastrointestinal diseases, and those with thyroid gland dysfunction.
Excessive concentration of neuropeptides in the nasal cavity can be a cause of vasomotor rhinitis. Neuropeptides are proteins that regulate hormones in the peripheral nervous system.
Treatment for rhinitis includes nasal irrigation with saline solutions, topical glucocorticosteroids, and topical antihistamines. If medications are ineffective, the doctor may recommend surgery.
Chronic rhinosinusitis
Symptoms include prolonged nasal congestion, headaches, and postnasal drip.
Treatment involves long-term courses of topical glucocorticosteroids, montelukast, and sometimes antibiotics.
Physiological narrowing of the nasal passages
Narrow nasal passages can cause symptoms such as snorting, snoring, and a feeling of mucus in the throat.
Benign nasal and sinus tumors are sometimes encountered, but malignant tumors are extremely rare.
Rhinitis in the context of chronic and autoimmune diseases
Causes of rhinitis may include herpes, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, and primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Gustatory rhinitis
Professional Rhinitis
Nasal problems occur only in the workplace.
Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or perennial. Symptoms include nasal congestion, watery nasal discharge (often clear, occasionally yellow or green), and sneezing. Itching is considered one of the main signs of allergic rhinitis.
Treatment involves topical glucocorticosteroids and topical antihistamines.
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Symptoms include nasal congestion and persistent coughing.
Causes include weak muscular rings of the esophagus, intense physical activity, stress, pregnancy, and excess weight.
If you know of any other causes of nasal congestion, please share them in the comments.