Pine allergy


Cross reactions

You probably saw in the spring yellow stains in puddles after rain? Allergy sufferers usually panic – they think it’s pollen of birch. However, no – it is pine pollen.

Pine for a long time was not considered an allergenic plant. Its pollen is large, heavy, sticky, and is not well tolerated by the wind. But there is a lot of pollen.
Coniferous pollen proteins are protected by a wax shell, which prevents the immune system from recognizing them.

Pine begins to bloom in late May and dusts for two weeks, until mid-June.

EPI (European Pollen Information Center) used to attribute pine pollen to the lowest allergenicity class. Recently, the situation has changed. Allergy sufferers have “learned” to respond to pine. This is especially noticeable in large cities.

Scientists blame bad ecology and climate change. The wax shell of pollen grains is destroyed, the proteins open, penetrate the nasal mucosa more easily and provoke allergy symptoms.

Essential oils of pine, which are especially numerous in the bark of a tree, worsen the health of an allergic person.

Essential oils and resins are stored for decades even in processed wood. See what I’m getting at? What furniture do you have? It may have to be replaced.

Pollen and smell are not all. Mold fungi live in pine trees with pleasure. Keep this in mind when looking for possible causes of allergies.

Causes of Pine Allergy

Causes of Pine Allergy

  • Genetic predisposition.
    The inheritance is precisely the tendency to allergies, and not a specific allergen;
  • Stress
  • Hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • Allergy to other trees and herbs: cypress, birch, wormwood, ragweed. The proteins of these plants are similar. A cross reaction may occur;
  • Chronic infectious diseases;
  • Pseudo-allergic reactions – to the smell of needles;
  • Allergy to mold protein.

Cross reactions with pine


  • Siberian cedar pine (we know exactly its nuts as cedar pine);
  • Cedar (cedar seeds are so resinous that even rodents cannot eat them);
  • Cypress;
  • Cryptomeria (Japanese cedar).
  • Fir;
  • Larch;
  • Spruce;
  • Hemlock.


  • Ragweed;
  • Timothy grass (rarely);
  • Sagebrush.


  • Pine nuts (although botanists consider pine nuts seeds, in allergology they are equated with nuts);
  • Peanut;
  • Almond;
  • Tomato;
  • Citrus;
  • Peach;
  • Kiwi;
  • Banana;
  • Physalis.

Symptoms of a pine allergy

Symptoms of a pine allergy

Rhinitis – usually the nose is blocked symmetrically. But it happens that one nostril is laid (at the beginning of the reaction)

  • runny nose
  • nose is stuffed,
  • itchy nose
  • sneezing.


  • redness of the eyes
  • itching and feeling of sand in the eyes,
  • tears.

Bronchial asthma

  • cough,
  • itchy throat
  • labored breathing,
  • wheezing breath.

Skin rashes

  • urticaria – itchy blisters on exposed parts of the body,
  • exacerbation of atopic dermatitis,
  • redness on the body,
  • small itchy acne.



The smells of pine forests are extremely beneficial for our lungs. Our grandmothers also knew this.

However, if you don’t feel this benefit, if the nose is flowing in the pine forest, and the symptoms are repeated at every meeting with the pine, it’s time to see an allergist.

An allergist will compare the symptoms with your description of the reaction. Often this is enough to make a diagnosis. Laboratory tests are sometimes required.

ImmunoCap blood on specific Img E to pine
The analysis can be taken at any time of the year, taking antihistamines does not affect the level of specific Img E in the blood.

Nasal swab
A rhinocytogram will determine the level of eosinophils and help determine the cause of the common cold (allergic or not). The result depends on the skills of the nurse and preparation before analysis.

Prick tests or skin tests
In the flowering season is not carried out. A few days before the analysis, you need to stop taking antihistamines and singular.

May be prescribed to children to determine the cause of the reaction (allergic or not). Analysis will not show the exact allergen.



Allergy immunotherapy (AIT) – is the only way to treat allergies.

For the treatment of pine allergies can be found – Spanish drugs DIATER (Diater) and Oraltek (Oraltek). Representatives of the Inmunotek company (manufactured by Oraltek) said that they are treating pine allergy in combination with another allergen – as a cross-reaction.

In other words, they do not have a pure medicines for treating a reaction to a pine. For example, there is ragweed + pine. This combination surprised me.

It turned out not to be surprising. The closest protein relative of pine is cypress. The Major Protein Cup a 1 belongs to the Pectate lyase family of proteins. The main (major) Ambrosia protein – Amb v 1 and the Cryptomeria of Japan – Cry j 1. also belong to the Pectate lyase family. Everything converges.

The Danish company ALK Abello has a drug for treating a reaction to Cryptomeria (Japanese cedar) – Cedarcure. In theory, Cedarcure should be suitable for treating pine allergies. But these are just my guesses – be sure to consult a doctor.

Symptomatic (drug) treatment

  • Prevention is the best medicine. The less you come across an allergen, the better. Pine dusts for a short time, about 2 weeks, pollen flies nearby and settles quickly;
  • Wear masks and glasses for allergy sufferers outdoors. There is no mask, use barrier means in the nose – Aqua Maris Ectoin;
  • Choose a medicine with your doctor that can help relieve the symptoms of allergies: a new generation of antihistamines: erius, zodak, suprastinex, rupafin, crowns, hormones (for more details see pollinosis medications);
  • Start taking your prescribed medication a few weeks before flowering;
  • Maintain hypoallergenic life;
  • Turn on the breathers.
Pine allergy
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