тест на аллергию

The effectiveness of the ALEX test can be compared with the analysis of the ISAC allergy test. Both analyzes help to conduct a high-quality and effective diagnosis of allergies at the molecular level.

The ALEX test (Allergy Explorer) was developed by the Austrian company MADx (Macro Array Diagnostics) using nanotechnology. Christian Harvanegg took part in the development, who also developed the ISAC chip (ISAC allergy test).

ALEX 1 – checks 282 allergens.

ALEX 2 – checks 300 allergens.

What is so interesting for allergy sufferers that this test can offer and how it differs from the well-known ISAC allergy test. Let’s try to figure it out.

First of all, we note that both tests are available for allergy sufferers of any age, there are no restrictions (in children under 6 months of age, the test is not always informative). For research, blood is taken from a vein and from a finger.

ALEX Allergy Explorer, like the ISAC allergy test, can be performed during the flowering period of the allergen or exacerbation of allergies.

Antihistamines, hormones, antileukotriene drugs, topical steroids and other drugs do not affect the results of the analysis.

When do ALEX analyzes

  • To confirm the diagnosis of true allergies;
  • If you suspect a true food allergy;
  • To find out the cause of anaphylactic reactions;
  • To establish the cause of an allergic reaction;
  • Find possible cross-reactions;
  • Determine the risk of severe reactions to allergens;
  • To determine the purpose of AIT (which allergen we will treat);
  • For determination of major and minor proteins;
  • To predict the result of AIT;
  • To predict the risk of asthma;
  • A child from 6 months old if he has anaphylaxis;
  • Children from 3 years old, if there is year-round rhinitis, swelling of the nose, redness of the eyes.

ALEX 1 shows the level of total immunoglobulin E and the response to 282 allergens, of which 157 will be extracts of allergens, and the remaining 125 molecular components (proteins).

ALEX 2 will test the response to 300 allergens, 117 extracts and 178 proteins.

Download the list of allergens for analysis by Alex Allergy Explorer (.pdf 630Kb)

With the ISAC allergy test, only 112 components of 51 allergens can be tested.

In comparison with the ISAC allergy test, the test ALEX examines more allergens, more proteins and shows more cross-reactions.

Another significant advantage of the ALEX test is that it eliminates false positive reactions.

Sample Analysis Results:

Maybe someone wants to know what causes all these wonderful benefits.

For molecular research, a plate is used – a chip on which allergens are applied. Then add blood and observe the reaction.

So, the thing is in the different structure of these very chips. For the ISAC allergy test, a chip with a solid surface is used, on which only small molecules can be tested. The chip surface for the ALEX test is coated with nanoparticles, so you can test any allergens, including extracts.

If you want more details, then see the results of comparing the ALEX test with the ISAC allergy test, which were published in 2018 in the journal of the World Allergy Organization: Link

From June 1 to June 5, 2019, the Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI-2019) was held in Lisbon. Slides were shown at the congress, which show that the results of the diagnostics of Allergen chip and ALEX Explorer are almost identical.



ALEX Allergy Explorer
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